World Shrines have been added, once unlocked you can use them as fast travel to get around you're town quickly!.Expand houses, your own or villagers, by adding a second floor or a basement to your homes!.Notes from World Shrines update!Note will be mentioning things that I think are worth mentioning the most but there is WAY too much in this update to cover everything so please reach the patch notes here! There are 26 villagers you can invite to move into town and some NPCs to also join with new stores/content! You can have every single villager moved in or can pick only your favourites to join the town, the choice is full yours! The game is very free on letting you do what you like once past the tutorial stage, decorate the villagers houses inside and out, decorate the town how you'd like and create the community of Hokko however you'd like it to be! Their kindness and welcoming nature gets you to move into the town and help them bring it back to it's old glory!

You meet the main two people who support the towns economically Oma and Moss. Hokko Life is a cozy life-sim game, the idea is your character is looking for a change in their life but falls asleep on the train and ends up in the town called Hokko. Little Over view!Hokko Life is a game made/developed by Robert Tatnell, the developer of Wonderscope! Team17 are the game's publishers and have a team helping Robert optimise the game to console.